This one is for my friend Nan, who loves to break (bend, stretch, ignore, disregard) the rules...
Step away from the world of traditional quiltmaking! Learn how to create quilts that are truly your own, relying on your love of color and fabric to guide you. Kathy's techniques are quick and easy to master, all starting with just six fat quarters. No pins, no patterns! Easy enough for new quilters and fascinating for experienced quilters. The expectation throughout is for guaranteed success. There are no mistakes-- - only alternate design choices. Beginners can expand their technique skills and more experienced quilters will find new ways to tap into their creativity. Each of the projects is small enough to be completed quickly, yet each can easily be expanded into a larger project.
I have not visited my feeds in so long I had 389 waiting for me - including 18 in QB. This one just made my day. Looking at and reading quilter's books is just so inspiring. Almost as inspiring as the encouraging voice of a true friend. Thanks Sheila! I put in a purchase request for this one.
Yes I bought this book last weekend and feel it does give one a template to work from. I'm usually traditional in my approach but want to try this one out asap
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