Published 2010
With their beautiful, soft sepia color range, contemporary Japanese quilts stand out for their sophisticated reinvention of patchwork and appliqué blocks. These cool, calm quilts are as much at home in modern country style as they are in chic, urban settings. The harmonious fabrics are easily combined, often with accents of brick red, olive green, or yellow ocher, to create a new yet nostalgic style that resonates with quilters all over the world.
In Japanese Taupe Quilts, acclaimed textile artist Susan Briscoe offers a wealth of tips, techniques, and ideas for both the beginner and the experienced quilter. The block patterns have been drafted from a variety of traditional block sources, including Japanese fabric, paper and architectural designs, and kamon family crests. For each block there is a photograph, a clear instructional diagram or template, fabric palette and cutting guide, as well as detailed instructions for making the block. At-a-glance icons indicate skill level and techniques used. Patchwork, appliqué, embellishment, and quilting techniques are clearly explained with step-by-step photographs, from cutting out to finishing off.
The blocks can be mixed and matched, tessellated for allover patterns, or combined into sampler quilts. Combination ideas are supplied throughout the block directory, together with six simple projects -- a pillow, lap quilt, tote bag, table runner, wall hanging and satchel handbag -- to inspire readers to create exquisite quilts in the distinctive Japanese taupe style.